Most parents make the mistake of asking their kids, “How was your day?” after they return from a long school day. And it is the same answer over and over again, “Fine, Mummy!” or “Good”, we obviously feel dejected and look for reason disappointed. So how would it be possible for kids to be more forthcoming and make them share about their day. Or at least get a full sentence out…
- Here’s a list of few questions to get you started.
- What is the best place which you like at school?
- What was the thing that amused you the most today?
- Did you help out someone or did somebody helped you with something today?
- Who was the person sitting next to you in class? Would you have preferred to sit somewhere else?
- Did something or someone made you laugh at school?
- Was there some class or event which bored you in school?
- During lunch break, did you eat well and whom did you play with at school?
- Who talked the funniest in the class?
- Who was the grumpy kid in the class?
- Think what you would do different if you were a teacher?
- Did your teacher use some word on repeat in class today and did you like it?
- Did anyone cry in the class today?
- Did your ma’am teach something that you couldn’t understand?
- Do you have to do some homework for tomorrow and are you looking forward to something?
- What is the hardest rule which needs to be followed in school?
- What made your teacher happy?
- What made your teacher mad?
- Did you learn any new words at school today?
- What is your least liked place at school?
- Did you utilize the school washroom? Do you feel safe going in there?